P. Noorishad, S.J. Wijnholds, A. van Ardenne and J.M. van der Hulst, "Redundancy calibration in new radio telescopes", SKA2010 - International SKA Science and Engineering Meeting, Manchester (UK), 22-25 March 2010

abstract: Initially we aimed to have a fast, computationally cheap and efficient calibration algorithm for dense phased array stations. Redundancy calibration, which is a linear and one iteration algorithm, seemed well suited for this purpose. Fundamental question is: are the redundant baselines in a dense phased array really redundant? We have answered to this using simulated as well as real data.
Moreover, redundancy calibration is applicable as a complementary to self-cal for the gain calibration of the whole array in some specific regimes. For this to be feasible, we should consider redundancy in SKA for the sake of more accurate and computationally cheaper calibration.

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